Sunday, May 13, 2012

Bonus Room re-do take 2

Here is a quick update of our bonus room:

When we bought the house it looked like this

And when we moved in it looked like this:

And after a year and a half we moved the furniture around, sold some pieces that weren't really meshing with our style and painting the main wall a turquoise color. Let me just tell you, painting rooms usually isn't such a pain in the hiney but this wall kicked my butt, and in turn kicked Mike's butt. I found the perfect color turquoise that wasn't too dark, in fact it was pearlescent color. When I got the go ahead from Mike and made it to Lowe's to make my purchase, I was never told of the insane amount of steps this paint required. Base coat plus second top coat (which ended up being 8 coats and 2 gallons of paint later for ONE wall) and there are still stroke marks and streaks depending on the light but I was not about to spend another absurd amount of money on a gallon of paint to MAYBE get a better result. Anyhow, I still love the color, just wish the application went smoother. Had I read the reviews on the paint I never would have gone through with it.

The current finished bonus room:

Next steps are a new area rug and new windows... which is currently going on throughout the whole house, one window at a time.

Thats all for now!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Happy Mothers Day

I was given a great compliment the other day by Matthew’s teacher, “I wish all my students were as sweet as him” makes me smile inside to know that how Mike and I treat him at home extends itself to other areas in his life. Not saying that he is always sugar and spice but he is full of love and happiness even if he is grumping about something.

On Mother’s Day weekend I just wanted to share my happiness for the new life growing and the son that I have that I love more and more every day. His face lights up my life and it brings tears to my eyes to think about the joy and love I will experience when Lily arrives.

If it weren’t for my mother who was always, unconditionally there for me through the good times and bad I wouldn’t be the person and mother I am today. Through all the struggles of teenagerdom, while single parenting, and working her hardest to make sure that I not only didn’t go without, but had the things I deemed important at the time, I thank you from the deepest part of my heart.

And to Mike’s mom, I thank you more than mere words can express for raising the kind of son who treats me with kindness and faithfulness and is the best father one could ask for her children. I am never afraid for our future because I know he is already looking out for us and would do anything to keep us safe and secure. Thank you for helping him become that kind of man.

Happy Mother’s Day